The Top 9 Yoga Fitness Apps For Android

The Top 9 Yoga Fitness Apps For Android

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With so many yoga fitness apps on the market, it can be hard to know which ones are worth your time and money. That’s why we’ve done the work for you and compiled a list of the top 9 yoga fitness apps for Android. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, these apps will help you improve your practice and reach your fitness goals. So, what are you waiting for? Download one (or all!) of these apps and get started on your yoga journey today.

What is yoga?

Yoga is an ancient physical and mental discipline that originated in India. The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit root yuj, which means “to yoke” or “to unite.” Yoga is a system of techniques and philosophies designed to bring the practitioner to a state of enhanced well-being, physically, mentally and spiritually.

There are many different types of yoga, each with its own emphasis. Hatha yoga, the most popular type in the West, focuses on physical postures (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayama), and meditation (dyana). Other types of yoga include Kundalini yoga, which emphasizes the release of energy through breathwork and mudras (hand gestures); Ashtanga yoga, which is a more vigorous form of Hatha yoga; Bikram yoga, which is practiced in a hot room; and Iyengar yoga, which emphasize precise alignment of the body.

Yoga has many benefits for overall health and fitness. It can help improve flexibility, strength, posture, and balance. It can also help reduce stress levels and promote calmness and relaxation.

The benefits of yoga

Yoga is a great way to improve your overall fitness, and there are many apps available that can help you get the most out of your practice. Here are some of the top yoga fitness apps for Android:

1. Yoga Studio: This app features over 80 different yoga and meditation classes, all of which are designed by top instructors. There is also a wide selection of music to help you set the mood, and you can even create your own custom classes.

2. Daily Yoga: This app offers a variety of yoga routines for all levels, from beginner to advanced. There are also guided meditation sessions, and you can track your progress over time.

3. Yin Yang Yoga: This app focuses on balance and flexibility, with a selection of Yin and Yang yoga poses. You can also set up a daily routine and track your progress.

4. Asana Rebel: This app is perfect for those who want to get into shape, as it features over 200 different yoga and fitness workouts. You can customize your workout routine based on your goals, and there is also a built-in timer to help you keep track of your progress.

5. Yogify: This app is great for beginners, as it includes step-by-step instructions for each pose. There are also video tutorials available, so you can make sure you’re doing each pose correctly.

The top 9 yoga fitness apps for Android

There are a ton of yoga apps out there. Which ones are the best? Here’s a list of the top 9 yoga fitness apps for Android, based on our findings.

1. Daily Yoga

If you’re looking for an app that will give you a full yoga experience, look no further than Daily Yoga. With over 500 poses and 64 different yoga routines, this app has something for everyone. The app also includes a voice guide, so you can practice yoga even if you’re new to the game.

2. Pocket Yoga

Like Daily Yoga, Pocket Yoga is another great option if you’re looking for a comprehensive yoga experience. With this app, you can choose from over 200 poses and 27 different yoga routines. You can also customize your routine to make sure it’s perfect for your needs.


This app is perfect if you want to bring your yoga practice into the 21st century. With YOGA VIRTUAL REALITY, you can choose from over 100 different poses and 30 different routines. The best part? The app uses virtual reality technology to transport you to beautiful locations around the world while you practice yoga. If you’ve ever wanted to practice yoga on a beach in Bali or in the mountains of Nepal, this is the app for you.

4. Down Dog: Great Yoga Anywhere

Down Dog is another great choice if you’re looking for an comprehensive yoga experience. With this app, you can choose from over 3,000 poses and 100 different yoga routines. You can also customize your routine to make sure it’s perfect for your needs.

5. Asana Rebel: Yoga Fitness

If you’re looking for an app that will help you get in shape, look no further than Asana Rebel. With over 300 yoga poses and 30 different fitness routines, this app is perfect for people who want to use yoga to get fit. The app also includes a built-in fitness tracker so you can track your progress over time.

6. Glo: Yoga & Meditation

Glo is another great choice if you’re looking for a comprehensive yoga experience. With this app, you can choose from over 4,000 poses and 200 different yoga routines. You can also customize your routine to make sure it’s perfect for your needs. The best part? The app offers a free trial so you can try it before you buy it.

7. FitStar Yoga by Tracey Anderson

If you’re looking for an app that will help you get in shape, look no further than FitStar Yoga by Tracey Anderson. With over 200 yoga poses and 8 different fitness routines, this app is perfect for people who want to use yoga to get fit. The app also includes a built-in fitness tracker so you can track your progress over time.

8. Daily Yoga for Abs

If you’re looking for an app that will help you tone your abs, look no further than Daily Yoga for Abs. With over 100 yoga poses and 9 different routines, this app is perfect for people who want to use yoga to get fit. The best part? The app offers a free trial so you can try it before you buy it.

9. 5 Minute Yoga

If you’re short on time, look no further than 5 Minute Yoga. With over 50 yoga poses and 3 different routines, this app is perfect for people who want to use yoga to relax and de-stress. The best part? The app is free, so you can try it without spending a dime.

How to get started with yoga

If you’re looking to get started with yoga, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, you’ll need to find a good yoga app. There are a number of great yoga apps available for Android, so take some time to explore and find one that works best for you. Once you’ve found an app, make sure to read the instructions carefully before getting started. Yoga can be a great way to improve your overall fitness and well-being, so start slow and be sure to listen to your body as you practice.


If you’re looking for a way to get fit and improve your flexibility, then look no further than yoga. Yoga is not only a great workout, but it can also be very relaxing. And with the help of one of these top yoga fitness apps for Android, you’ll be able to get the most out of your yoga practice. So what are you waiting for? Pick an app and start practicing today!